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The Backstage

Covid-19 and

Best Always Recipes

Hi! My name is Eleni and in the past few years I have been making a living by selling my natural wellness products and handmade jewels mostly in open markets and bio bazaars.

I love the procedure, despite the fact it can sometimes be exhausting.

Putting up a store within thirty minutes, staying outdoors for hours depending on weather conditions, and then packing everything up again is not exactly what one would describe as “easy going”.  :)

Nevertheless, being able to showcase my creations, as well as contacting all kinds of people (some of whom I also make friends with), always pay up for the difficulties.

Eleni Herbs&Crafts

elena col capello

photo by Simonetta Ban

The 2020 Pandemic

In the summer of 2020 I wasn’t able to do it. Like so many other people I realized that my everyday life and activities were affected by the Covid-19 Pandemic.

I couldn’t just go out and sell my creations like I used to, plus there were obstacles and delays concerning the orders I shipped.

In one case the recipient had to wait for 4 months to get what she had ordered!

This added to my decision to take advantage of the digital era we’re living in and publish my recipes.

After all, I love teaching and guiding others to make or do things I know well.

So, giving out recipes which can take some problems away might be my way to help this world become a little bit more human friendly.

exercising High Bar -photo by EleniHerbs&Crafts

exercising High Bar

-and standing for Change

Some friends who heard about it objected:

“Why don’t you advertise for the products themselves instead of the recipes? People usually don’t want to occupy with DIY, they don’t have time, they prefer things that are ready to use!”, they said to me.

Expiry Date (or "B.B.") on Products, versus everlasting Recipes

Well, I agree that no one of us can be so self-sufficient as to make everything we need in everyday life on our own.

And, ok, I keep delivering worldwide, so people can benefit from what I have to offer, no matter how far we are from each other.

Still, a Product is generally something with a limited lifetime.

As we all know, Personal Care and Wellness Products are always B.B. (that is, Best Before) a certain Date; which means, soon after that Date they are not good to use any more.

But a Recipe is timeless.

You can acquire it now and use it whenever you want: in a week, in three months, or in ten years. It never expires!

Furthermore, a Product is always an Object. Something which is finished, something that cannot change -except when it goes off!

But a Recipe can become a Living Creature, with a little help from the people using it.

I mean, in many cases it can be customized and adapted to your own needs and preferences.

It can inspire you to be creative and explore new possibilities; it can become the sparkle for a new initiative.

A Recipe can be compared to a good old friend: Perhaps you don’t see each other for a really long time, but you know you can turn to them whenever you feel like doing so.

A Recipe can be a perennial soothing and supporting Presence, which you can consult again and again, each and every time you need it.

In the end, I believe that a “Best Before” Product might be perfectly excellent,

but it can never be as good as a “Best Always” good Recipe.

Have a nice day and enjoy what you’re doing!

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